WalletHub Study: Best U.S. Cities to Raise a Family in 2023

WalletHub’s new study on the best cities to raise a family in the U.S. reveals fresh insights on what borrowers are looking for when setting down roots and where they might be moving.

Here’s a closer look:

• The report noted that families move often and for various reasons, both good and bad. For example, a re-location might be prompted by a new job or financial opportunity or the opposite, a job loss or foreclosure. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American can expect to move an estimated 11.7 times!

• WalletHub analyzed more than 180 U.S. cities based on 45 key metrics including housing affordability, the quality of local school and health-care systems, and the opportunities for fun and recreation.

• Cities that had lower crime rates, excellent public transportation, easy access to recreational green spaces and more diverse cultural resources ranked higher in the study than locations without these assets.

For additional details including which cities came out on top, view WalletHub’s report, “2023’s Best & Worst Places to Raise a Family.